Monday, August 22, 2016

Praying for Your Future Husband

No matter if you're single, dating, or like me, engaged; praying for your future husband is extremely important. I would say it is one of the most important steps. It helps lay down the foundation for a healthy, God-centered relationship/marriage even before it begins! I will admit, this is something I struggle with. I tend to want to fix things myself and I am not always patient enough to sit, pray, and trust God's timing (I'm working on it). I hope someone out there is touched by this blog post but really and truly, it is a reminder/encourager for myself.

We are human, our future spouse is human. My point? Glad you asked, my point is that we are all going to mess up. No relationship is perfect; how boring would that be?! Another thing I struggle with is what's called "unrealistic expectations" with everything. I have the ability to take something simple and twist it in my head to be the most amazing, Disney fairytale, pixie dust covered, something. Not everything in life is over the top but when I expect it to be, I'm disappointed and end up missing the good stuff aka the little things. Honestly, I have grown to love the little or "simple" things in life. I say all of this because it important for us to realize that we are not perfect. While preparing for our future marriage, and praying for our future husband, it's important to know it doesn't stop there; we start by praying for ourselves. If there is something I have learned, it's that there is always room for God to do more in us and there is always room for us to grow. 

Prayers for myself: 
- To grow in Christ
- Patience 
- Obedience to Christ
- Good Listener
- Constantly changing & growing my heart to love like Christ

Prayers for my future husband:
-To grow in Christ
-To love me like Christ loves the church
- Grow everyday into the man God desires him to be
-Change and growth of his heart for others 

You see my prayers for each are very similar and your prayers may be the same as mine or totally different, it's all awesome! I am working on staying in the word more and praying these prayers over my life and future. I am preparing myself to be the person I want, wants. Does that make sense? I'm preparing myself to be that Godly, that patient, that loving, that good listener, that encouraging woman. I'm preparing myself to be all of those things, because those are the exact same characteristic I want in my future husband. You see? Prepare yourself to be the person you want, wants. (I read this tip in this book here, which is a great read for dating/engaged couples) 

Don't get discouraged if you haven't found your person yet. Don't get me wrong, I love my relationship but if you're single, that is something to rejoice about too. That is the perfect time for growth and preparation. Don't loose hope, trust God's timing, pray, prepare, and be patient. When the time is right, God will send you the most perfect imperfect person for you specifically. 

For all my dating, engaged, or even married people out there, I have to share this book that Christian and I have been doing together and we love it. It's about a 2 minute read a day and each day gives you a fun/new way to show love to one another. I really really really recommend it! You can get it here !

Thanks for Visiting

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