Wednesday, August 3, 2022

First Birthday Gift Ideas


Okay.. this has truly been the fastest year of my life. I know people always say “don’t blink” but I swear when you become a parent time truly just decides to speed up. I just sent her birthday party invites out and it still seems surreal to me that my newborn baby is about to be a one year old. *insert sad face*

That being said, with each stage comes new things for your kiddo to learn and to do and I am truly just winging it most days. So, after some research and comparing list with my other mom friends, I have compiled a list of first birthday gift ideas so you don’t have to! 


1. Pottery Barn Anywhere Chair

2. Nugget Couch

3. Little Tikes Cozy Coupe

4. Activity Table & Chair Set

5. Montessori Toys

6. Puzzles

7. MEGA Building Blocks

8. Rainbow Counting Bears

9. Outdoor Slide

10. Radio Flyer

11. Busy Board

12. Clothes- I am particular when it comes to Ella’s clothes lol. So, if you're anything like me, I would add a few clothing items you like to your wish list to make it super simple for those buying!

13. Snack Spinner Container

14. Money Towards Savings Account 


Whether you’re a parent of a soon to be one year old or just looking to buy for the little one in your life, I hope this list has helped! I will be keeping you updated with party planning ideas too! I am one of those annoying people who loves to go all out for birthdays..even a one year old. I am aware she will not remember it but guess what.. I WILL! Haha

Have a great day!

Talk soon!

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