Saturday, April 24, 2021

Life Update + First Trimester Must Haves

 Hey Everyone, long time no chat!

    Gosh, I can't tell you how long I have wanted to just sit down and write a blog post. I kept making excuses and just being lazy. However, I have finally found my motivation; pregnancy. 

    So far during my pregnancy, I have learned that there are so many unknowns, so many changes, so many fears and not a lot of authentic, personal experiences out there to help. I want to write about all that I have learned so far and all that I will learn in the future. Heck, even if no one reads this, I want to have it all to look back on and remember this exciting adventure for myself. 

    With that being said, I am currently 21 weeks pregnant! Whoop whoop! However, let's start from the beginning....


        Most of my first trimester was spent with a ginger ale in one hand and a box of cheez-its in the other. I was exhausted and nauseous pretty consistently. I think if work would have let me, I could have slept through those entire 13 weeks. No lie. 

      During the first trimester I absolutely hated chicken and vegetables. HATED THEM. The thought of chicken made me want to throw up. It is so strange because I ate chicken everyday before pregnancy. That all went out the window and all I wanted was carbs and Chick-fil-a Diet Arnold Palmer. The only other craving I still have is for anything sour and frozen. I always laugh because it sounds like I am craving a margarita. Don't worry though- I just settle for a snowball these days! 

      The overall hardest thing for me though was the fear of the unknown. All I can say is...STAY OFF OF GOOGLE. I found so much comfort in prayer-gosh it feels like I prayed constantly! I guess I never truly understood giving something completely to God until pregnancy. He is in complete control! I am also extremely thankful for my very supportive friends and family who let me talk out all my worries and helped ease my mind. 

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. I am a sucker for cute water bottles. I love the look of this one and the fact that it has the times on the side so it gives me a goal each hour! I went ahead and ordered the silicone straw lid with it and absolutely love it! Purchase Water Bottle

2. A comfortable bra is a must! My boobs were one of the first things to change and I knew it would only get worse as time went on lol. This bra was recommended by a few friends at my gym and it is amazing!  I can wear it daily to work or to work out, the straps and band are adjustable, and there is so much support! 10/10. Take the quiz to see which bra is best for you! Bra Quiz

3. I mentioned how I craved sour things so these preggie pops were amazing. They are for nausea but are like little sour candies. I loved every flavor! Preggie Pops

4. Once you find out you are pregnant, it is very important to start taking a prenatal vitamin daily. I love this company because their team prays for each order being shipped out. I thought that was super special! Prenatal Vitamins

5. I started using Belly Butter as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I know a lot of it has to do with genetics but I figured it couldn't hurt! This one feels so good and smells good too! Belly Butter

6. Okay, these are an investment but so worth it! These leggings will work throughout my entire pregnancy and post. They are like butter and so stretchy! I  go to the gym daily so finding comfortable workout clothes was so important to me. These are worth every penny! Lululemon Align Leggings

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