Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Yes to Boldness

I love to shop in my pajamas; meaning, I love me some online shopping. Who else knows first hand how dangerous online shopping can be? Also, who else has noticed how creepy the internet can be? The way it picks up on things, or products, or stores you've looked at and after that every add you see will be regarding that certain item that you like. It creeps me out honestly, but that's just how companies work. They know if we see something enough, we will cave and buy it. Why do they know that tactic works? Well, us humans are never really content with what we have. We always want the next best thing, that new outfit, that new job, the iPhone 17; we are never really content with what we have or where we are at in life. The more I thought about that concept, the more I began to wonder why we always seem to be so content with where we are in our walk with Christ. I find myself wanting, wanting, wanting, everything else this world says I need and totally neglecting the one thing I need to live a full and joyful life.

Comfort. I love comfort, I like being where I feel safe, I don't really enjoy big changes, I like to know what's going to happen and how, heck I even need my clothes to be comfortable. I'm beginning to realize this truth though, being a Christian isn't comfortable. That scares me, so if it scares you you're not alone. We are called to trust God fully, knowing that He sees the big picture, in the highs and even the lows called to worship Him, we are called to follow Him wherever He leads us-- none of those things have a promise attached to them that says "I promise you will be comfortable" but I can promise you that your life will be more full and more joyful following God's plans than your own. 

Now that we have discussed "comfort", let's go back to the first topic. The more we continue to seek after earthly things, the less we seek after Jesus. Now I am by no means telling you that shopping online is a terrible thing because its not AT ALL. It's that view of needing more that is really just getting my point across here. We were created with this void because His desire is for us to crave more of Him. We mess up by trying to fill that void with earthly things. We look for satisfaction in money, appearance, drugs, relationships, jobs, people and we wonder why we are left wanting more and more and more and feeling more empty then when we started. That's because Jesus  is the only thing that can satisfy that void in our life. We continue to seek more of the things this world says will make us happy and we are left exhausted and lukewarm in the end. People, we are not called to be lukewarm, weak, and exhausted. We are called to be sold out, strong, and bold. Let's throw away the idea of living a comfortable life and replace it with a life sold out to Christ; a life full of boldness and adventure. Who's with me? 

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." 

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Thanks for Visiting

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